As a company operating in Poland and produces and introduces hazardous substances to the market, we are obligated to submit them to the Chemical Substances Inspector. This is fulfilled by sending an electronic document generated through the ELDIOM system already on the day on which the product is placed on the market. A similar procedure takes place in the case of products intended for sales in other countries. We register such products in local information systems. Our products are labeled in accordance with applicable regulations. Before they are placed on the market, we properly classify them according to Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EC) no. 1272/2008 of 16 December 2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP). As a result, our Customers may feel safe since they know how to handle the product they have purchased. What is more, in order to increase safety and improve knowledge concerning our product, our Laboratory prepares individual Material Safety Data Sheets for every mixture. Thus, our Customers know what substances the product is comprised of as well as they are provided with an instruction manual.